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27th Jul 2015

Video: John Olivier once again hilariously slaughters Fifa and Sepp Blatter

The British comedian isn't a fan of football's governing body

Robert Redmond

John Oliver 4, Fifa 0.

In fact, at this stage we should probably stop keeping score, because the British comedian continues to trounce football’s world governing body.

This time Oliver pokes fun at Sepp Blatter’s apparent friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he’s surprised their handshake at Saturday’s World Cup 2018 qualifying draw didn’t “create a vortex of concentrated evil, that sucked all of humanity in a gaping moor of eternal darkness.”

Olivier also takes aim at fast food giants McDonald’s, Shamrock Shakes and reveals the incredible lengths Jeffrey Webb, the Fifa vice-president, went to in order to secure bail.

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