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01st Feb 2015

Raheem Sterling had the perfect response after Robbie Savage had a pop at ‘tired’ footballers

Nicely done Raheem


The Liverpool man is on form on and off the pitch

This morning’s gruelling Australian Open final between Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray drew a lot of comment on Twitter. Much of the debate centred on the stamina of the players, at least in the early stages before the Serb took complete control in the fourth and final set.

Leading the debate were Robbie Savage and Michael Owen. Seriously.

Savage spent much of the match praising the prowess of the players, and he also used it to have a pop at footballers who claim to be tired.

Owen tried to defend footballers, saying that in terms of time actually playing the sports were similar in endurance but the best comeback to Savage came from Rahem Sterling.

The Liverpool youngster has had a few instances of fatigue crop up in his career thus far, with his admission that he was too tired to play an England game against Estonia the most famous.

He was also allowed take a break over new year to Jamaica, a decision questioned by many. However, since his return to Anfield he has looked superb (example here) so perhaps giving players a rest isn’t such a bad idea.

Sterling emphasised that point by first retweeting the pundits tweet followed by a very smart one of his own.
Sterling tweet

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