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25th Apr 2015

VIDEO: Megan Williams is back with 5 simple exercises to kick off your weekend

Get in shape for the eventual summer.


Good weather while it lasted. Here are some fitness tips to keep you on your toes this rainy weekend.

My brand new fitness video gives you a work-out that will keep your waistline slim and your wallet jam-packed this summer.

Sometimes it can get expensive to work out. Now, you can get in a great workout without spending any money, all in your own home. This week, all you need is a box, bench or stairs to complete my 15-minute body blitz.

1. Toe Taps

Start with your right toe on the edge of your box/bench/step. Drive your knee towards your chest with a small jump change sides so that your left toe is at starting position. Repeat so you build up to a fast pace for 30 seconds.

2. Box Squats

Box Squats

Start with your feet shoulder width apart and jump up to land on to box/bench/step keeping your chest up, shoulders back, and knees pushed out. Push all weight into the back of your heels. Jump backwards to starting position and repeat at your own speed for 10 reps.

3. Spilt squats

Begin with your right foot placed onto box/bench/step, hands straight out in front of you too keep your balance. Lower your left knee towards the ground, keeping your chest up and shoulders back, drive yourself up and repeat for 10 reps each leg.

4. Press ups

Start with your hands shoulder width apart on box/bench/step, keeping your tummy tight, back straight, and shoulder and head relaxed. Lower your chest as low to the ground as you can keeping everything in line and push your self back up to the start position.

5. Tricep dips

Begin with your hands behind you shoulder width apart, have your knees in close to your chest, shoulders back and tummy tight. Lower your bottom towards the ground and drive up pushing all your weight into your hands. Repeat 10 reps.

Hope you enjoyed your work-out.

I would love to get your feedback on our routines and tips. What work-outs would you like to see? Do you have fitness questions, need some help, motivation or nutrition advice?

Email [email protected] or find me on Instagram @Invictusfitmiss and Twitter@megan91williams