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18th Feb 2016

Stan Collymore welcomes court sentence for troll who abused him online

Back under your bridge

Kevin McGillicuddy

The internet is fantastic. Sure, aren’t you here right now?

It is also a place where some idiots think they can get away with saying whatever they want, to whomever they come across on social media.

However, as one particular troll found out today, that is not the case.

Taidgh Hughes appeared in court after aiming hundreds of abusive texts at Stan Collymore last year.

The former Liverpool striker has become an outspoken pundit since retiring and is well used to back and forth on social media.

However the police got involved when Hughes decided to tweet the ex-striker images of his face super-imposed on to the bodies of Jimmy Savile, Hitler and Michael Jackson among many others.

Hughes is also understood to have sent an offensive and sexually explicit tweet about Collymore’s mother to the former Nottingham Forest player, which police found to be racist.

This afternoon a Magistrates sitting at Bournemouth heard that Hughes had two accounts shut down on Twitter as a result of his abuse of the former footballer.

The 25 year old admitted persistently making use of public communication network to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety on his first appearance before the court and was given a hefty sentence.

Collymore delighted in the sentence being handed down via his own Twitter account this afternoon.

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