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14th Nov 2015

PIC: Former Liverpool defender Martin Kelly caught up in Paris terror attack

Martin Kelly unharmed after events in France

Kevin McGillicuddy

Martin Kelly must have a guardian angel looking out for him.

Paris is waking up this morning to 128 of its citizens dead after a devastating terror attack across the city that has set France, and the whole of Europe, on edge.

Eight terrorists are dead after the multiple location attack at areas of the city including a music venue, cafe and a suicide attack at the Stade de France as France hosted Germany in a friendly.

Because of the international break, Crystal Palace and former Liverpool defender Martin Kelly was enjoying some time away in Paris last night where he posted a picture of a restaurant that he was dining in on Instagram.

Found a decent little spot for tonight #paris #cafelaperle ??????

A photo posted by Martin Kelly (@mkelly_34) on

Incredibly that area of the city was the scene of a terrorist attack with gunmen opening fire on a cafe in the same district of Paris.

There was confusion about the safety of the 25-year-old in the immediate aftermath, as pictures of a man who appeared to be the England defender, appeared on social media.

However it was later confirmed that the man in the picture was not the defender, but someone who looks remarkably like him.

His club Crystal Palace later have also issued a brief Twitter message to say the player was safe.

His brother also confirmed the player’s safety

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