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07th Sep 2022

QUIZ: Name all 42 of these 2000s Champions League players


Quiz time.

Yet again, the time has come to put your otherwise pointless knowledge of football from years gone by to the test.

The first in a new series of FootballJOE quizzes, we’re testing your knowledge of 2000s Champions League footballers.

Below you’ll find 42 faces belonging to players who played in the competition at some stage in the 2000s – some considerably more famous than others. All you have to do is correctly identify who is who from the multiple choices below each picture.

It’s straightforward stuff and starts off ridiculously easy. Don’t get complacent though. More than a few can catch you out before you reach the end.

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2000s Champions League players (bis) 1 I got %%score%% of %%total%% right