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20th Aug 2016

VIDEO: Brock Lesnar sounds warning to Conor McGregor following conference call criticism

“Say it to my face!”

Darragh Murphy

Conor McGregor and Brock Lesnar share the same enigmatic air but ‘The Notorious’ is definitely not in the good graces of the former UFC heavyweight champion.

During a recent media conference call, McGregor was asked about the failed drug tests of Lesnar and the likelihood of seeing the Irishman in a WWE ring, and he didn’t hold back in his response.

UFC 196 McGregor vs. Diaz Press Conference

“For the most part those WWE guys are pussies,” McGregor said. “They’re messed up pussies if you ask me.

“I mean fair play to Brock (Lesnar), he got in there and fought but, at the end of the day, he was juiced up to the fucking eyeballs so how can I respect that?”

It won’t astound you to learn that Lesnar, whose comeback victory over Mark Hunt at UFC 200 was subsequently marred by a pair of failed drug tests, was not too pleased to hear McGregor’s remarks.

“Man, I take shits bigger than that kid,” Lesnar told the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast. “Come on. I know you guys all play fucking video games and live in this false sense of reality and shit, but I’m 290 lbs. This guy is 145 lbs, and that’s if he’s lucky and gets up and eats his fucking Wheaties.

“If Conor McGregor wants to say some shit to me and get his name out there more than he already has by dropping my name, I’ve got fucking about 10 words for him… ‘Come here face to face Conor, alright and say it to my face. Otherwise, leave me and the fucking WWE out of it because I came to your arena and kicked ass. Now if you want, and you’re so fucking tough, come to our arena and try to kick some ass.'”

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