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13th Apr 2015

GIF: UFC fan instantly regrets overzealousness at Krakow event

Mind the barrier

Ben Kiely

This fight fan can count his lucky stars that this didn’t happen to him at a PPV event.

When the UFC’s motley crew heads to a country for the first time, the fans usually try their best to let the Zuffa big wigs know what they were missing out on.

This was certainly the case for the crowd packed into the Tauron Arena for the UFC’s first trip to Poland.

The fans in Krakow were electric as they finally got to witness the world’s largest MMA promotion put on a show on Polish soil. However, one of the spectators got a little bit too carried away with himself while trying to get his 5 seconds of fame on the camera.

The man sporting an Alexander Gustafsson t-shirt, swiftly forced his way down from the back of the crowd to try and get himself on television. He successfully made it to the barrier and gave the obligatory screaming fist-pump.

Unfortunately though, he forgot to apply the breaks and almost went head first over the barrier but recovered just in time to spare from turning it into a massively embarrassing incident.

Note the lack of eye-contact with the camera after he nearly skulled himself. It’s a pity that the “not looking at the camera” method isn’t that effective at making people forget what they’ve just seen.

To be fair, it could have been way worse.

Hat-tip to Reddit


UFC,UFC Krakow