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18th Oct 2015

Two Irish racecourses have a clever way of trying to compete with today’s rugby coverage

Genuis marketing

Kevin McGillicuddy

If you can’t beat them.

If you an Irish rugby fan, or even just a sports fan in general, then there is only one show in town this afternoon.

The World Cup quarter-final in Cardiff at 1pm between Ireland and Argentina is the biggest sporting occasion of the last few months.

Everyone will be glued to their tellys at 1pm for the game as Joe Schmidt’s side look to make some Irish sporting history and other sporting organisations know they can’t compete

Some GAA county boards have pushed back their senior hurling or football finals so they don’t clash with this afternoon’s action, but for some sports they don’t have that luxury.

That’s why the cunning folk at Horse Racing Ireland have decided that instead of trying to sell their product against the rugby, they’re going to welcome any fans of the oval ball, and the sport of kings to two of their tracks this afternoon for free.

Bravo for effort, and especially the photoshop