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US Sports

16th Nov 2014

Vine: Deflections happen in American Football too you know

What a lucky, lucky touchdown

Conan Doherty

Power counts.  That’s what the Florida State quarterback will be saying anyway as he tries to claim this touchdown throw.

In truth, he couldn’t be further from earning the yards as a wicked deflection sent Karlos Williams on his way for his first ever touchdown.

Miami looked to be well on their way this evening to a nice derby win over their College rivals but this third quarter fluke brought Florida State right back into it at 23 – 17.

And they have a wicked deflection off the hand of what originally looked like an interception to thank.

And unfortunately for the big believers of justice, it never prevailed.  After trailing for three and a half quarters, Florida State went on to beat Miami 30-26.  Some nights you’re blessed.