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US Sports

17th Nov 2014

NFL star arrested in store after trying to pay for items with bubble gum

Well, as big a star as you can be playing for Jacksonville Jaguars...

Conan Doherty

Wonder was the bubble gum his or the store’s.

Jacksonville Jaguars corner back, Dwayne Gratz, enjoyed his bye week alright.  He enjoyed it that much he was staring at bubble gum and seeing George Washington’s head on it.

The American Footballer was arrested in Miami early on Sunday morning for disorderly intoxication and trespassing.  The police report stated that the Jags’ number 27 had blood-shot eyes and was detained after he refused to leave a store in Miami Beach.

The report also stated that Gratz was trying to pay for items with bubble gum.  Actually.

Well, at least he was trying to pay.  He was released this morning but his coach Gus Bradley is none too happy.

“I don’t know all of the information that took place, but one of our rules is, ‘Protect the team and make decisions that put our organization [in high regard],’ he said.

Maybe one of their own decisions should be to pay the team in dollars instead of gum then…

Just imagine poor Dwayne Gratz talking to his cell mates asking him why didn’t he sell his bubble gum or cash it in for real money.  “Shouldn’t have to.”

What’s even more heartbreaking is his latest tweet.  At least his first trip to Miami is something he’ll remember.  Actually, suppose he doesn’t remember any of it…
