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US Sports

14th Jan 2015

Nascar driver Kevin Busch claims his ex-girlfriend is an assassin

Date night with his woman would have been interesting

Kevin McGillicuddy

Trying to find love in this crazy mixed up world of ours isn’t easy these days.

Do you go online to try internet dating or stick to the tried and trusted ‘down the pub’ and hope some beauty falls into your arms.

We’re not sure how Nascar driver Kurt Busch met his ex girlfriend Patrica Driscoll,but we’re sure as hell interested in their break-up, as the driver has testified in court that his ex was a trained assassin. Like a professional hitman style killer.

And you thought that girl you dumped in fifth year for not liking Tayto cheese and onion was bad.

The revelation came about after Busch was in court regarding a protective order against him from Driscoll, after an allegation that he grabbed her and slammed her head into a wall last autumn at the Dover International Speedway.

The court has heard Busch told the court his ex is ‘a trained assassin dispatched on covert missions around the world.’

He also testified that he was once with her when she was on a mission, ‘Driscoll had left that night in camouflage and boots. She returned later to the hotel at which he was staying wearing a trench coat. Under it she was wearing an evening gown splattered with blood and other matter,

Busch and his lawyer are hoping to refute any claims of abuse by showing the other side to her character with Busch telling the court ‘I know that she could take me down at any moment because she’s a bad-ass.’

According to various news reports Driscoll has not tried to deny that she was a trained assassin.

Thanks god none of our messy break-up’s have ever made it to court.

H/T to The Two-Way