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US Sports

30th Apr 2015

An NBA team fired their social media manager for this distasteful tweet

Nothing good has ever come from emojis

Neil Treacy

With great power comes great responsibility.

There’s a fine line between being witty and being a plonker, and the Houston Rockets (former) social media manager managed to cross it, and it cost him his job.

With the Rockets cruising towards a 103-94 win against the Dallas Mavericks, and ultimately beating them 4-1 to move on to the next round of the NBA playoffs, the guy running their Twitter account got a little bit excited.

While the copy of the tweet all seemed pretty innocent, reading: “Shhhhh. Just close your eyes. It will all be over soon”, it was his creative use of emojis that ultimately sealed his fate.

There were two emojis that cost him his job. One of a horse’s head, and the other of a gun pointing at it.


The Mavericks’ Twitter guy wasn’t particularly pleased with the lack of sportsmanship (not to mind how crass the bloody thing was), but didn’t take the bait.

The Rockets have since fired their social media manager, and we can only hope this is how they did it…