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22nd Jun 2017

WATCH: GAA team skip training to help their injured captain draw in turf at the bog

As tough as any training session.

Conor Heneghan

This is what team spirit in the GAA is all about.

Players from the Monasteravan senior football team gathered for training as usual on Wednesday night, but management had something different in mind than shuttle runs and a game of backs and forwards.

The Kildare club were hit by a big blow earlier this year when their captain, Paul Kelly, broke his leg in a league game against Allenwood.

A lengthy spell on the sidelines can be a lonely time for any player, but Paul’s teammates showed that they haven’t forgotten about him when, under the instruction of management, they joined him in the bog to help him in his annual undertaking of drawing in the turf for Kelly Fuel Supplies.

The lads were proving to be a big help until ‘Kazzy’ got a ten tonne trailer stuck and put a spanner in the works, but they got the job done in the end.

Some would say that an evening in the bog is far more punishing than any training session, but in any event, all at the club should be commended for a fantastic gesture for an injured comrade.

GAA managers across the country, take note.

Cheers to Lee Hunt for sending this our way. Got a story for JOE? Get in touch on Facebook or Twitter or send it to

