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20th Jul 2015

Vine: Furious Sepp Blatter showered with money as comedian Lee Nelson storms Fifa press conference

Making it rain

Ben Kiely

Sepp Blatter looked absolutely delighted as money rained down on him at the Fifa presser… well, maybe delighted is the wrong word.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND - JULY 20: Comedian Simon Brodkin (not pictured) throws dollar bills at FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter during a press conference at the Extraordinary FIFA Executive Committee Meeting at the FIFA headquarters on July 20, 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Philipp Schmidli/Getty Images)

The Fifa president fell victim to the latest prank by comedian Simon Brodkin aka Lee Nelson at a press conference in in Zurich on Monday.

After initially being refused entry, Nelson somehow managed to infiltrate HQ for football’s governing body’s big announcement of new reforms and a date for the presidential election.

Nelson got up on stage with a wad of fake bank notes before remarking, “Sepp, this is for North Korea in 2026,” causing Blatter to immediately summon the hired goons security guards to intervene.

As Nelson was being removed by the heavies, he threw the notes in the air above El Presidente. A disgruntled look washed over Blatter’s face as the fake money rained down on him before he stood up and exited the room.

Nelson then offered one last dig at Blatter saying, “Cheers, Sepp – it’s all there”.

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