Not quite Nostradamus but this fella’s not half-bad at predicting the future.
This graphic shows the view that toy inventor Arthur Greenwood had in 1962 for what football stadiums would come to look like in the coming years.
The prophecy was uncannily perspicacious (there’s a sentence for ya!).

Greenwood’s model foresaw a number of elements that have only recently become commonplace in the beautiful game recently such as goal-line technology and the reusing of rain water.
While we’re bigging Greenwood up big time on these predictions, there are a few calls that he made that bordered on bonkers, such as the rotation of the centre circle to reveal a cricket pitch, boxing ring or swimming pool.
But hey, people once thought the world was flat so we’re anticipating a referee’s box dangling over the pitch where he can oversee all the action being introduced next season.