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06th Dec 2014

Mourinho continues his disdain for ball-boys, blaming them for Chelsea’s defeat to Newcastle

He really doesn't like them

Darragh Murphy

Jose Mourinho has had his latest dig at a ball-boy by claiming that the football “disappeared” every time Chelsea tried to get going today.

We all remember the spat that “The Special One” had with a ball-boy at Selhurst Park when he told a young boy “not to do that because he runs the risk of one of my players to punch him or to lose his temper,” when Chelsea trailed Crystal Palace in March.

Crystal Palace v Chelsea - Premier League

The latest lad to face the Mourinho wrath came after Chelsea’s 2-1 defeat at Newcastle.

The Blues boss spoke to BT Sport after the game and said: “My team lost the way I like to lose which is to give everything and being unlucky.

“The ball disappeared every time. We want to play but there is no ball. Then when the ball comes back there is another ball. Even during extra time they keep doing the same thing.

“It is very difficult for the referee to deal with that because the referee cannot punish any player. It’s the kind of strategy that unfortunately is still part of the game.

“We were very unlucky. We did not deserve this result, but we have to accept it and move on.

“Unfortunately, time-wasting is still part of the game. Things were happening outside the pitch that the referee couldn’t control.”


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