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09th Feb 2015

VIDEOS: Who knew that “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” of all things, gets LeBron James emotional?

Now this is a story all about how...

Darragh Murphy

DJ Jazzy Jeff never struck as a tear-jerker but, hey, we can be wrong too.

If you were born in the late 80s/early 90s then you more than likely know the theme song from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” off by heart and have enjoyed chuckles aplenty over the hijinks of an early-20s Will Smith.

But, as NBA legend LeBron James has made clear, the show wasn’t without its tender moments.

The Cleveland Cavaliers player posted a series of videos on Instagram today in which he revealed that, while watching a particularly touching episode that struck a chord with him, he broke down in tears.

We’re not judging him for a second because 1) we all have the embarrassing things that get us choked up and 2) he’s 6 ft flippin 8 and could have us for dinner.